Thursday, December 17, 2009

Twins, Again????

My sister is expecting.  She has three children.  One singleton and then twins.  She is about 5 weeks along.  She is already REALLY sick.  She felt the same way with the last pregnancy.  She goes today to the doctor.  Hopefully, they will do an ultrasound and we will find out whether or not there are two babies or just one.  WOW!  I am so excited.  She is excited and yet worried all at the same time.  God will provide.  He is able to work things all out the way that they need to be worked out.  PRAISE GOD for these new little lives.  He is the Creator and He already knows their names!  I want to help in any way that I can.  Please, Lord, use me to make her load light. 

1 comment:

the Stork Nest said...

well, is there a verdict???

At our 10th wedding anniversary

At our 10th wedding anniversary
we are now at year 15.5!