Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Word to the Wise

Never ever, and I mean NEVER EVER let your children share hats, helmets, brushes, bows, or anything else that might mean that you get a case of head lice! YE GADS! We discovered our "friends" about a week ago. It has been a week of endless lice searching. We have washed the sheets, pillowcases, blankets, comforters and towels EVERYDAY! We have vacuumed the car, the house and the mattresses. We have shampooed with every thing that there is to shampoo with and we comb our hair every night with the tiny little comb that gets out lice eggs. There will be at least 9 more days of this. I am not sure I EVER realized the complexity of head lice. I truly live in fear of seeing crawling little creatures in my own or my children's hair. Himself shaved the heads of the boys and I cut off about 5 inches of MG's hair.
Traumatizing is a good word for the last week.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

a new post

I haven't actually written anything in a while. We are busy, but Himself would say that is what I always use as an excuse. I am just not feeling very "writey". There are so many things out there to write about....politics....religion....I generally feel inadequate when I write about either. How about this? There was a mother at our class today. She was nursing her daughter (6 months old). I am thrilled whenever I see anyone nursing out in the open. Here is my question. The mother had on a shirt with an elasticized neckline. Instead of nursing the baby "under" her shirt...not hiding...just at her waist, she had the neckline pulled down and had her entire breast exposed to nurse the baby. Ok...the question....would you not be bothered by all the 12 yr. old big brothers that were standing around waiting for their little sisters to be finished with ballet? I don't want to sound hypocritical. I am SO pr0-breastfeeding. I want everyone to do it. I, myself, am certainly not a "hider" when it comes to nursing. HOWEVER, it seems awfully odd to just pull out an entire breast from your shirt to nurse a baby. This was not a small woman.....understand?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

In Honour of Labour Day!

How long were your labours?

Baby #1 - 32 hours and then a c-section!
Baby # 2 - no labour at all
Baby#3 - well, I spent about 24 hours in preterm labour and then a month later, about 2 hours and then a c-section
Baby #4 - no labour at all

How did you know you were in labor?

Baby #1 - I knew because I had every birth induction known to man
Baby #2 - I didn't have any labour
Baby #3 - um, well, I started having contractions with the pre-term labour, and then the morning of his fast delivery...contractions started and he was born about 2 hours later.
Baby #4 - no labour

Where did you deliver?

Three in Tennessee, one in Washington - at hospitals, although I would have preferred home


Well, if you call Delaudid, morphine, duramorph, etc. drugs, then yes.


All four were c-sections. I still would like to have an unmedicated home birth, but.........

Who delivered?

Well, my absolutely wonderful midwife took me all the way through the first pregnancy and stayed with us even as her partner did my c-section.

Baby #2 - we had a midwife until two weeks before the birth when I decided I didn't like her, so we switched to a wonderful ob/gyn. She delivered and we were thrilled.

Babies 3 and 4 were delivered by our family practice guy here in town. We really liked him and I got a tummy tuck (smile) as a result of that last section!!!

At our 10th wedding anniversary

At our 10th wedding anniversary
we are now at year 15.5!