Thursday, September 4, 2008

In Honour of Labour Day!

How long were your labours?

Baby #1 - 32 hours and then a c-section!
Baby # 2 - no labour at all
Baby#3 - well, I spent about 24 hours in preterm labour and then a month later, about 2 hours and then a c-section
Baby #4 - no labour at all

How did you know you were in labor?

Baby #1 - I knew because I had every birth induction known to man
Baby #2 - I didn't have any labour
Baby #3 - um, well, I started having contractions with the pre-term labour, and then the morning of his fast delivery...contractions started and he was born about 2 hours later.
Baby #4 - no labour

Where did you deliver?

Three in Tennessee, one in Washington - at hospitals, although I would have preferred home


Well, if you call Delaudid, morphine, duramorph, etc. drugs, then yes.


All four were c-sections. I still would like to have an unmedicated home birth, but.........

Who delivered?

Well, my absolutely wonderful midwife took me all the way through the first pregnancy and stayed with us even as her partner did my c-section.

Baby #2 - we had a midwife until two weeks before the birth when I decided I didn't like her, so we switched to a wonderful ob/gyn. She delivered and we were thrilled.

Babies 3 and 4 were delivered by our family practice guy here in town. We really liked him and I got a tummy tuck (smile) as a result of that last section!!!

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At our 10th wedding anniversary

At our 10th wedding anniversary
we are now at year 15.5!