Saturday, May 3, 2008


Good morning! We had LOTS of rain yesterday. It stormed like crazy. As a result, all of the weekend tournament for R has been canceled. He is disappointed, but the good news is that we get to go to the canoe race down on Old Muddy!! M and his best friend, J are participating in the race for the second year in a row. It was great fun last year.
MG and I went last night to see Baby Isaac in the hospital. He and his parents are doing well. As I told MG, it is such a wonderful thing to hold something so brand new to the world. It really makes me want to have another baby. I just don't know if that will ever happen. Isaac was so precious and so tiny. It seems as though this is something that I just have to wait upon - this wanting a baby. We have tried and nothing has happened. I know that it can happen, but perhaps God is waiting for my heart to be right. Perhaps, the timing is just wrong. God does know why, of that I am sure. I just have to depend on Him and listen to His voice and then He will answer when He is ready.
We are in the search for a place to worship. We have left the place where we had been. It is an interesting thing....looking for a new place to worship. It is hard to be new....not my favorite thing. I like belonging to a place without having to feel like I am being interviewed all the always wearing my best clothes and saying the right things. I want a place to worship and know God better. I also want to belong. I want to be on the giving end and not on the receiving end. Does that make sense?
We are waiting to see the dr. again about R. I really want to find out what is truly wrong. There are days when I just feel like giving in. He is such a difficult child. Without the medicine, he is difficult. With the medicine, he is difficult, just in a different way. The family dynamic is so odd. Some of us seem to tiptoe around him - never knowing what will happen next. The hard part is that he just doesn't seem to get it.
I hope that today goes well and that the race turns out well.


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At our 10th wedding anniversary

At our 10th wedding anniversary
we are now at year 15.5!